We only deliver high standard valeting services and will not cut corners compromising standards.
Our basic valet service delivers more than others car detailing services. Our mobile and static car valeting services serve Bedfordshire, Northamptonshire, Hunts, Bucks and further afield.
A car valet or car detail?
The terminology used by operators can make it difficult for customers to understand what they are actually receiving for their money. At Autogleam Bedford we will only complete work to a very high standard, even on our basic level of service as that’s the standard we work to an no less. This means that customers will benefit both visually and a level of finish which protects exterior finishes, prolonging appearances, encouraging self cleaning and ease of future washing. We will not put our name to anything less. This service is a basic car valet.
Car detailing are also services we provide and that usually involves amongst other processes, decontamination of vehicle exterior surfaces, paint enhancement or correction, ceramic coatings, glass rain repellent, interior fabric & leather cleaning and protection and many other demands for high finishes. All these processes take long periods of time and can not be completed in 2 to 3 hours. That’s just impossible.
So a valet in our terms is a meticulous clean to cars, vans, lorries, motorhomes and all vehicles alike.
How do I know what car valeting service I require?
In our world there has never been truer words than you get what you pay for. Car valeting is no different. If you book a mobile car valet or are looking for a decent level of car washing then the more you pay then the higher level of service you will receive. A mobile car valet service has to consider into the equation the cost of travelling to the location and then he/she has to set up. So on a basic service half the time involved in a job can be swallowed up by travelling and setting up. This is why its beneficial to book more than one job at a time when a basic car valet is required.
You can check which car valet service suits you best by looking at some of the ‘off the shelf’ options right here
Or if you require further advice then just call us on 07710077145 to book you car in for a valet for all those in and around Bedfordshire.
Check out the video of a 2011 BMW X5 which received a basic car valet completed in Bedford and you will see the standard of finish that we deliver upon such a service.
Car Valeting and detailing information
For more car valeting or car detailing examples our blog has valuable information or you can visit our you tube channel here . You will find high end car detailing, soft top cabriolet roof cleaning and treatment, commercial & lorry cleaning, ceramic coating protection for cars and motor bikes, motor home & caravan cleaning and polishing and much more.