Bronze, Silver, Gold & Platinum Valets
Our package deals are created to build a service which is both cost effective, provides the finish and results matched to individual client requirements and expectations.
Package deal options are our suggestions for valets to an exact service that we provide. You can tailor your own service or bolt on added extra’s to a current valet option. Please contact for an exact price for bespoke service. Click here for prices.
Book more than one vehicle for any service what so ever, and discounts can apply. Monetary values are calculated upon specific options or services requested.
Please see our fleet services for regular and discounted valets ensuring perfect up keep of vehicles at extremely competitive prices.
AutoGleam’s Other Services
As the popularity of lease vehicles increases, so has the demand for ‘return valets’. Many customers have been hit by unexpected high bills for minor wear and tear damage. Upon inspection owners find they have very little or no time to complete repairs in the short period allocated before return, before inflated charges. Autogleam Valeting Bedfordshire can fix or hide many issues before inspections are carried out. Scratches, staining, contamination and other chargeable aspects can be solved before unnecessary high charges.
A large core of out customer are businesses who have regular valets where we can deliver valeting services to Bedfordshire, Northamptonshire at a very competitive price. Any vehicle used for business obligations is eligible for tax deductions and off course both presents and represents corporate outfits in a clean cut attractive fashion.
No matter how big or small Autogleam can cater for all commercial vehicles. Often services are used to freshen up vehicles for new drivers, removal of van décor transfers for sale or just maintenance valets to uphold rolling adverts and company image. Fabric extraction and machine polishing are just parts of the services commonly used within commercial vehicle valeting. Click here for Prices
Caravans and motor homes have been a part of our offered services since 1992, holding two caravan parks preferred contractor and also several private sector customers.
From simple washing and tree green removal, wax protection all the way through to gel coat polishing and sealing.
Dinky caravans, to large motorhomes, gel coat polishing to carpet and cushion cleaning, fabric spill protection to paint sealing. Autogleam Valeting Bedfordshire can provide a service to cater for your needs. Boat services are available too.
Click on prices and select Caravans & Motor Homes to ‘view off the shelf’ options, or contact for a quotation for your requirements.
Big or small, if you own a horse box that needs valeting or high end detailing, then the chances are we can help. From removing natural fall out and growth, to polishing out defects and restoring gel coat. Interior care and protection are all catered for. And of course tack area to ensure every area is cleansed to a high standard for all demands.
What Client’s Say
Anglia interiors market place is based on perfect finish and presentation. This includes our vehicles too. Autogleam ensure that all of our vehicles are presented as we require. Our fleet of vehicles always look fantastic from regular maintenance valeting and are a great advert for our services. Autogleam’s services are very reliable, friendly and gives us exactly what we want and more. Arron Bird
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